Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why Feminine Twist?

Welcome to Feminine Twist! So here is the story behind the name: When I was in college, I had this grand idea of one day starting and starring in my own band. My hope was to make an all girl cover band where we would take classic male preformed songs and transform them into something new. Something feminine. For those of you who know me, you know that I do not have a musical bone in my body. Not only can I not sing, I cannot keep a beat, and I never ever know the words to songs. Needless to say, my dreams were squashed early on. But not before I named my non-existent band, Feminine Twist.

So, cheers to my squandered dream!

"Creep" by Ingrid Michaelson is a prime example of what I envisioned for Feminine Twist.