Thursday, July 21, 2011

Haiti: Sponsorship

One of the best decisions that Jared and I made while I was in Haiti was becoming a sponsor. I had no intentions of becoming one before I left, however once I started working with the Haitian community, seeing the poverty and looking into each child's eyes, I knew there was no other option. How could I not give?

Meet Chevennes! He is a 5 year old boy who attends the school that Mission E4 runs in Fauche (right next to the boys orphanage I worked on all week). Jared and I have been blessed to be his sponsor. It was an amazing experience meeting Chevennes. He was very timid, polite yet thankful. I must admit, I think he was a little confused at first, but warmed up quickly. I was able to meet with him twice throughout the week, where I was able to surprise him with school supplies, a backpack, rice, a coloring book, pens, and notebooks (Thank you Barbara!). But his face GLOWED when he was given a turtle stuffed animal. I know it seems silly, why does a boy in Haiti need a stuffed animal? And the truth is, he probably doesn't. But the reality is, he felt special in that moment. Being a sponsor is much more than stuffed animals (although, they might get the best reactions); it's about making a huge impact in a child's life. It's about telling one child, "You will not be forgotten." 

For $32 a month, Jared and I are able to provide Chevennes with:
  • Free education (There is no public education offered to Haitian children)
  • Material for a new school uniform each year
  • Three new school books for each grade
  • Bible classes throughout the year
  • Vacation Bible School during the summer
  • A hot meal, five days a week, all year long
  • Free medical care at our clinic
Being a sponsor also provides funding for the construction of new and better school buildings and other improvements within the community. So, the monthly support of sponsors benefit not only the individual children, but also their families and the communities they live in. 

Below are pictures of the school that Chevennes and 200 other Haitian children attend. 

Here are some of Chevennes' classmates (who also need the support from sponsors) that I was also blessed to meet.

If you would like more information on becoming a sponsor please visit: Mission E4 Child-Sponsorship

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